# Model of somato-dendritic burster # From Toporikova and Butera, J. Comp neuroscience, DOI 10.1007/s10827-010-0274-z # Model with following parameters reproduce Figure 1B of the paper above # setting gcan=0, convert model to Pruvis and Butera 2007 # units: V = mV; Kca = uM; Cm = uF/cm^2; g = uS/cm^2; phi = 1/s; #Parameter fi is normalized with respect to intracellular volume, so it's units fi=1/pL; # PARAMETERS # conductance of CaN current par gcan=1.5 # conductances of persistent sodium current par gnaps=2 #IP3 concentration par I=1 #Total Ca par Ct=1.25 # Somatic Parameters (same as Butera and Pruvis 2007) num Cms=21 nun vna=50,Vk=-85 num gk=11.2, gna=28 num vm=-34, vn=-29, vmp=-40,vh=-48 num sm=-5, sl=6, sn=-4, smp=-6, sh=5 num taunb=10, tauhb=10000 par gls=2.3 par vleaks=-57 par Iaps=0 # The ER parameters par fi=0.0001 num Vi=4 num LL=0.37 num P=31000 num Ki=1.0 num Ka=0.4 num Ve=400 num Ke=0.2 num A=0.005 num Kd=0.4 num sigma=0.185 # Other parameters num Cmd=5, gc=1,k=0.3 num Kcan=0.74, ncan=0.97 # SOMATIC FUNCTIONS minfs=1/(1+exp((vs-vm) /sm)) ninfs=1/(1+exp((vs-vn) /sn)) minfps=1/(1+exp((vs-vmp)/smp)) hinfs =1/(1+exp((vs-vh) /sh)) tauns=taunb/cosh((vs-vn)/(2*sn)) tauhs=tauhb/cosh((vs-vh)/(2*sh)) I_nas=gna*minfs^3*(1-ns)*(vs-vna) I_ks=gk*ns^4*(Vs-Vk) I_naps=gnaps*minfps*hs*(vs-vna) i_ls =gls*(vs-vleaks) I_ds =gc*(Vd-Vs)/k #DENDRITIC FUNCTIONS J_ER_in=(LL + P*( (I*C*l)/( (I+Ki)*(C+Ka) ) )^3 )*(Ce - C) J_ER_out=Ve*C^2/(Ke^2+C^2) caninf =1/(1+(Kcan/C)^ncan) I_can=gcan*caninf*(vd-vna) I_sd =gc*(Vs-Vd)/(1-k) # SOMATIC EQUATIONS Vs'= (-I_ks - I_nas-I_naps-I_ls-Iaps-I_sd)/Cms ns'= (ninfs-ns)/tauns hs'= (hinfs-hs)/tauhs # DENDRITIC EQUATIONS Vd'= (-I_can-I_ds)/Cmd C' = fi/Vi*( J_ER_in- J_ER_out) l' = A*( Kd - (C + Kd)*l ) #Calculate ER Ca Ce = (Ct - C)/sigma # INITIAL CONDITIONS Vs(0)=-50 Vd(0)=-48 ns(0)=0.004 hs(0)=0.33 C(0)=0.03 l(0)=0.93 aux Ce=Ce aux ican=I_can aux inaps=I_naps @ TOTAL=10000,DT=.21,xlo=0,xhi=10000,ylo=-60,yhi=10 @ xplot=t,yplot=vs, dt=0.11 @ dsmin=1e-5,dsmax=.1,parmin=-.5,parmax=.5,autoxmin=-.5,autoxmax=.5 @ autoymax=.4,autoymin=-.5 set vvst {xplot=c,yplot=h,xlo=0,xhi=1.5,ylo=0,yhi=1.5,total=100 \ dt=0.01,meth=qualrk} done